In modified SEPIC
converter, a voltage multiplier circuit is applied to the classical boost
converter, for higher output voltage, improved efficiency and low switch voltage.
This is done by adding diode DM and Capacitor CM
the classical SEPIC as shown in fig..
Capacitor CM
of the modified SEPIC
is charged with the output voltage, hence when the switch is conducting the
voltage applied to inductor
is higher than that in traditional SEPIC. In
case of modified SEPIC converter, the losses due to diode reverse recovery
current are reduced and soft commutation is obtained with regenerative snubber
circuit. The static gain of modified SEPIC is higher than classical boost
converter for high values of duty cycle, and low input voltage.A gain up to 5
is considered as standard static gain, gain larger than 10 is high static gain
and that larger than gain equal to 20 is considered as very high static gain.
If compared with other converters for high gain, modified SEPIC utilizes lesser
number of switches and less passive components than those converters.
The main purpose of
magnetic coupling in modified SEPIC is to increase the voltage gain leading to
boost in the output voltage. In past various other techniques like voltage
multiplier, interleaved boost converter, zero voltage switching boost
integration technique, etc each of them have certain advantages and
disadvantages and can be implemented as per application. If compared with these
techniques for high gain, proposed modified SEPIC with magnetic coupling
utilizes lesser number of switches and less passive components.
The theoretical
explanation, working and simulation results of modified SEPIC without magnetic
coupling and modified SEPIC with magnetic coupling are explained in following
sections. For magnetic coupling an inductor operating as a flyback transformer
is used.
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