As stated above
a modified SEPIC is built by adding only two components diode DM and
capacitor CM to the classical SEPIC circuit. The circuit diagram for
modified SEPIC without magnetic coupling is in fig 1.3. Modified SEPIC operates
in continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode. For continuous
conduction mode modified SEPIC operates in two stages depending upon the on and
off condition of switch.
Stage 1. When the switch is in off state.
At time t0
the switch is turned off; the input energy stored in inductor L1 is
passed on to the output through CM and output diode D0,
and also to CM through diode DM. Here the switch voltage
is same as the voltage across CM, the energy stored in inductor L2
is passed on to output through diode D0.
this time period, the current in L1 is equal to input current i.e. iL1
= iIn. As the diode is in conducting state voltage across it is
zero, while current through it is in decaying state. The waveforms to
understand these operations are shown in fig.
Stage 2 – When switch is in on
current through inductor L2 is equal to output current. Switch is in
conducting state so voltage across it is zero, while current flowing through
switch is equal to addition of current flowing through both the inductors. i.e.
.Voltage across diode DO = VCM,
. The waveforms
to understand these operations are shown in fig.